
 admin   2024-05-24 01:00   45 人阅读  0 条评论

书法家王斌案 We have some famous scenic spots, such as: Tiger Beach, Gold Pebble Beach, Sun Asia Ocean World, Forest Zoo, Discovery Kingdom and Bingyu Valley etc. City flower:

丹棱农耕案 Over five hundred places of interest.More than five hundred places of interest.

十二星座学生一案 很多著名的景点 翻译成英文是Many famous scenic spots 相关单词学. scenic 英[ˈsi:nɪk] 美[ˈsinɪk] adj. 风景优美的; 舞台的; 戏剧性的; 布景的,背景的; n.

临沂南坊学舞蹈案 伦敦塔桥(英)London Tower 埃菲尔铁塔(法)Eiffel Tower 卢浮宫(法)Louvre 帕特农神庙(希腊)The Parthenon 伦敦眼(英)The London Eye 圣加.教堂(西班牙

蒲公英相关资料案 1. The Great wallThe Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more


五月天 爱情的模样 吉他谱案 依次 Potala Palace Longmen Grottoes Suzhou Gardens Yangtze River Three Gorges Shisanling Hangzhou West Lake

万松岭画家案 您好,用英语可以说为famous,sight

测一测你真实的星座案 龙门石窟 Longmen Cave苏州园林Suzhou Gardens十三陵The Ming Tombs 布达拉宫 Potala Palace西湖 West Lake 长江三峡 the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River

甲山庚向兼寅申好不好案 resort-----胜地,名胜,常去的休闲度假之处。可数名词。


金帛锦女装品牌质量案 Big Ben .本钟 River Thames 泰晤士河 London Eye 伦敦眼 圣保罗.教堂(St Paul's Cathedral)

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